Say, "I Hear You." You don't have to agree or disagree. Just listen instead of fixing, helping, teaching or telling your partner what to do. Creating emotional safety leads to more intimacy both outside and inside the bedroom.
Be Vulnerable. Reveal the less-than-perfect parts of you. I told my husband I was intimidated to take our kids backpacking without him. He jumped up to help me set up the tent in our backyard and pratice using the jet boil stove. I feel more confident and he is my hero.
Receive, Receive, Receive! Ever feel uncomfortable saying "thank you" when he offers help, gifts, compliments and apologies? Experiment with receiving instead of rejecting everything he offers you. It might surprise you just how feminine and confident you begin to feel.
Be Pleaseable. If you're unhappy with anything your partner does for you, you will be 100% resistible. He will stop loading the dishwasher, cleaning the garage, putting the kids to bed and start avoiding you. Being pleaseable will inspire him to do more and feel successful. Win-Win!
SMILE. Ramp up your self-care! Your happiness is your responsibility. The sexiest thing I wear is a smile and that magnetizes my husband after 19 years together.
Express Your Gratitude. Instead of focusing on all of the negatives, shift your focus to what your man is doing right and blow it up! Thank him for grilling the meat to perfection, watching the kids while you go for a bike ride and watering the greenhouse. Stop the tit-for-tat game. It's not serving you or your relationship.
Flirt. Remember how? Has he ever done something toe-curling in bed? Whisper in his ear how that drove you crazy while shopping at The Home Depot together. Send him a midday text about the new underwear you bought. He won't care if they are from Victoria's Secret or Target. Tell him how lucky you are to have such a capable, sexy, manly man when he is setting up camp for your family. Are you blushing? The bigger the stretch the better!

Does it feel risky to want more? By implementing these 7 tips you could transform your vanilla relationship to a delicious cookies 'n cream sundae with cherries on top. Imagine feeling irresistible when your husband's hand slides dangerously low on your back. Wouldn't it be worth the risk?
Becoming an irresistable magnet is all about YOU. So, what are you going to experiment with first?