If you could wave a magic wand and show up however you want to over the holidays, how would you show up? Here are 4 tips to get you to your vision.
Receive Receive Receive: When some one offers you help, RECEIVE it by saying "thank you." I know hot shot, you've got a certain way of loading the dishwasher and cleaning up the wrapping paper after the present opening extravaganza is complete. But doing all the extra work is not necessary. Stop being a martyr and choose to receive from those around you. They want to lighten your load, give them the gift of receiving instead rejecting. What's more important; getting everything done your way or choosing the connection with your loved ones?
Flip your Negative Thoughts: "These next two weeks are going to be rough." Sound familiar? How are those negtive thoughts serving you? How about putting something positive into the universe... What are you looking forward to?
🎁 A break from work
🎁 My Mother-in-law cooking Christmas dinner
🎁 Sleeping in
🎁 Watching holiday movies
🎁 Skiing and ice skating
🎁 My kids waking up Christmas morning
❤️🔥Kisses under the Mistletoe
Self Care: You set the tone in your home. If you are doing at least 3 self care items everyday your chances of greeting your family with a smile increases drastically. No more excuses. Get out of survivial mode, start thinking creatively, and make yourself a priority. When you walk your pup or follow a 10 minute youtube yoga sesh, your time actually expands. You will show up clear-headed, productive, and confident throughout the rest of your day. So fill your self care cup with activities (+ non activities) you enjoy and bring you peace. Besides, it's impossible to pour from an empty cup.
Honor Your Limits: If that familiar feeling of pulling up your bootsraps is creeping in, it's ok to say, "I can't" before the resentment rash spreads all over you. Even if you can push through it, what's that costing you? How's pretzeling yourself working out? Put the dishes down, let the laundry slide, eat on paper plates, just temporarily. Whatever is costing you your GOFL (Girl of Fun and Light) isn't worth it. Make your happiness a priority this season. You deserve this!
Happy Holidays Everyone
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